Healthcare Assisted Living Case Study

Cox Systems Technology - Oklahoma City, OK

DuraFon PRO - Multi-Floor Retirement Home
Founded in 1936, Cox Systems Technology has a long history in the field of communications. Located in Oklahoma City, Cox Systems provides services and equipment for sound, varied communication systems, closed-circuit television (CCTV), master antenna television (MATV), nurse call, and a wide range of security/emergency notification systems.

According to Vice President Jerry Cooper, Cox Systems relies upon EnGenius Technologies’ long-range DuraFon cordless phones to provide reliable voice communications for customers that need to maintain quality communications and safety in multi-story buildings.

The Need: Retirement Home Caregivers Require Reliable Communications for Rapid Response

Oklahoma City has several high-rise government-provided retirement homes that offer living assistance for elderly adults. Providing coverage throughout multiple floors and varied building materials can be challenging, and not all phone systems are up to the task. The staff needed reliable communications to ensure a timely response to resident needs, including emergency situations.

Because there are only ten caregivers on duty at any given time, throughout 20 floors, it is important that each caregiver immediately know which room triggered the alarm, so the caregiver(s) closest to that particular room can respond. Another need? A broadcast feature that caregivers could use to tell other on-duty staff whether or not they were available to answer to a particular call.

In addition, the handsets needed to be durable since the staff is often on the go. Accidental equipment drops happen on a regular basis, particularly when staff are moving about the facility, and when they are physically caring for residents.

The Solution: DuraFon PRO Long-Range Cordless Phone System

The DuraFon PRO easily met the deployment’s challenges, with up to 12 floors of in-building penetration and long-range coverage that empower the staff to provide the necessary care in a timely manner.

“Cox Systems installed the EnGenius phone systems in the two high-rise buildings, with all caregivers carrying a DuraFon handset. What we’ve done is to install a fire alarm system and an emergency call system, which operates like a nurse call system,” stated Cooper. “When a resident pulls a chain in the bathroom, they toggle a relay on the emergency call system that sends an alert to the EnGenius phone and displays the room number on the handset.”

Using the DuraFon system and handsets facilitates this quick and efficient use of staff. The push-to-talk and broadcast features allow the staff to communicate easily, in addition to responding to residents. Staff can also make and receive calls from their handsets – wherever they are in the building, which is of particular importance when medical emergencies arise.

Another source of customer satisfaction is the rugged construction of the handsets. DuraFon PRO handsets will withstand repeated drops from up to six feet high onto concrete, so dropping a phone during routine daily duties will not damage the device or hamper critical communications.

Both the staff and the residents in retirement homes depend upon reliable communications, and the DuraFon PRO delivers with reliability, range, and durability. The expandable and scalable system accommodates up to 90 handsets and eight base units. Each base unit supports up to four lines, giving a living assistance team room to grow.

Click HERE to learn more about DuraFon Long-Range Cordless Phone Systems!

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