Small Business Conference Room

M.I.T. Consulting - Toronto, Canada

EnSky Series - Performance & Range at an Affordable Price
M.I.T. Consulting is a turnkey technology solutions outsourcing company that provides a full spectrum of services and support to their clients. Founded in 2003, M.I.T. Consulting provides a wide variety of services to its customers including managed services, business continuity planning, IT consulting, cloud services, offsite backup, data center services, IT relocation, software development, IT staffing, and website and graphic design.

The Need: Managed Wireless Network Solution with Long Range and Fast Speeds

One of M.I.T. Consulting’s core competencies is building and maintaining complex network infrastructures to support the connectivity requirements of its business customers. Often the company is called in to solve wireless connectivity issues caused lack of network coverage or slow network performance.

According to Erez Zevulunov, Director and founding partner of M.I.T. Consulting, a client recently called for help resolving connectivity issues in a professional 7,000 square foot, two-story office building with multi-tenant office space. The building’s wireless network infrastructure was composed of a series of business-class access points that were not able to deliver the range and speed to provide acceptable connectivity throughout the building. M.I.T. Consulting was tasked with providing a reliable, high-performance network that would provide tenants and visitors with network access throughout the building and in the atriums.

Not only does M.I.T. Consulting deploy and manage wireless network infrastructures in businesses, it also provides networking solutions for large residences. “We’re also doing a deployment of PoE access points throughout a 6,000 square foot private residence,” Zevulunov explained.  “The homeowner has seven PoE access points deployed throughout the home. They’re not doing a good job of handoff and stability. They experience nothing but drops everywhere.”

M.I.T. Consulting needed a managed wireless network solution that delivered performance and range at an affordable price point.

“EnGenius has started something pretty impressive with the EnSky Series.”

Erez Zevulunov

Director and Founding Partner, M.I.T. Consulting

The Solution: The EnGenius EnSky Series Wireless Management Solution

Zevulunov found the answer in the EnGenius EnSky Series Wireless Management Solution. For small and medium business deployments, the EnSky Series provides an easy-to-use feature-packed wireless network infrastructure solution for small businesses.

Featuring a growing family of Gigabit PoE+ Layer 2 switches, and indoor and outdoor long-range, high-speed managed wireless access points, the EnSky Series is a scalable solution that is easily deployed and provides centralized network management through a simple browser-based software platform. EnSky Series switches can support any number of EnSky Series wireless access points from a few to several hundred, depending on the number of EnSky Series switches in the network.

Zevulunov described the installation of the EnSky Series system in his client’s office building.  “We put in five APs and experienced better than expected coverage,” he said.  “We were actually able to also get coverage in the atriums and front foyer area in the front of the building where people hang out and have lunch. They were considering putting in outdoor access points to provide network access from the atrium and the back courtyard, but we were able to get coverage penetration in those areas without even having to deploy the outdoor APs.”

Deploying the EnSky Series system provided the customer with the reliable, high-performance, managed network while also saving them money.  “From a cost perspective, the EnSky Series was about 30–40 percent cheaper than going with an enterprise-class solution for the single site,” Zevulunov said.  “That was a major cost advantage.”

The Results: Easy Installation, Extensive Coverage, Cost Savings

According to Zevulunov, M.I.T. Consulting is happy with the deployment of the EnSky Series. “The coverage is good, and setup and deployment were simple,” he stated. “For multi-point, single-tenant access deployments, we like it.” He also stated that the EnSky Series is great for ground-up network deployments.

“EnGenius has started something pretty impressive with the EnSky Series,” said Zevulunov. He said that the EnSky Series has the ability to become a significant competitor to higher-priced, enterprise-class solutions for companies that are looking for a cost- effective solution that provides the performance without the “sticker shock.”

Learn about the EnTurbo Series.

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