Retail Grocery Case Study

NETS New England - Goffstown, NH

DuraFon SIP - Market Basket Grocery Store Chooses EnGenius Phones for Their Stores - AGAIN
NETS New England (NNE) is a service-based company that specializes in retail Point of Sale (POS). While the company typically works on grocery store registers, scanner scales, and receipt printers, NNE is also proud to provide one-stop shopping for all their customers’ IT needs. Services include on-site repair, project management, multiple-location equipment deployments, depot repair, and in-home service.

The Need: An Updated Phone System to Improve Communications in New and Existing Stores

Market Basket, NNE’s biggest customer, is a large grocery store chain headquartered in Massachusetts. When NETS New England first started managing their phone systems over a decade ago, Market Basket had several issues with their non-EnGenius equipment including inadequate coverage, poor range, lack of reliability, and device breakdowns. The chain eventually had trouble getting replacement parts and batteries for the phones and needed something better. They already knew they wanted EnGenius phones when they contracted with NNE – NNE simply had to do the install.

Fast forward to last year, when Market Basket planned to roll out digital phone system upgrades in approximately 45 new and existing stores. Their features wish list included:

  • SIP functionality
  • Long-range coverage
  • Durable, reliable handsets
  • Wireless devices for easy installation
  • Web interface for remote system management
  • Multiple handset functions, including independent 2-way intercom & push-to-talk

“When a store’s representative calls and says their phone isn’t connecting, IT employees can determine if the phone is registered or not via the web interface. They can also reboot a base station by logging onto the Web interface. That’s a BIG bonus for them,”

Peter Boisvert

Owner of NETS New England

The Solution: DuraFon-SIP’s Multi-Function Coverage and Durability

Yes, Market Basket opted to deploy EnGenius products again! The DuraFon-SIP System was a great match for the items on their wish list, and the grocery store chain trusted EnGenius phone systems based on their previous years of reliable use in stores.

Market Basket’s newest supermarkets average 80,000 square feet per store. The DuraFon-SIP operates in ranges up to 250,000 square feet, so adequate coverage was not an issue. In addition, the DuraFon-SIP’s rugged handset is well-suited to a market environment – tested to endure over 50 falls onto concrete floors without breaks.

Peter Boisvert, Owner of NNE, gave an overview of the equipment Market Basket deployed. “In our new stores, we’re doing two base stations and five phones on each base station. We’re doing ten handsets and aren’t doing any external antennas or anything. The SIPs are very simple to install. Once they’re configured, it’s really just a matter of plugging into the network. We put the base stations in the network closet, and we’re getting good range throughout the store,” he said.

The Result: Chain-Wide System Management via Web Interface

Market Basket is really pleased with the DuraFon-SIP System, partly because of its scalability. It is expandable and customizable, depending on business needs. “One of the best things about the SIP system is that you can run so many handsets off of the one base. You can add a lot of phones to an older store without wiring, so I see that as a real benefit,” stated Peter Boisvert.

The handsets are used by store managers and each major department – like the bakery, deli, meat counter, and produce department. The base station for each department may be located in the respective departments, the handsets function anywhere in the store! In addition, the DuraFon-SIP handsets offer multi-mode communications, like push-to-talk and intercom features, that benefit markets and other retail establishments.

Long-range phone capabilities are essential, for both incoming and outgoing calls. Employees save time by using portable handsets they already have on their person, instead of running back and forth to stationary phones, reducing customer hold times, and increasing customer satisfaction.

What is another DuraFon-SIP feature that is helpful in a retail environment? The independent 2-way intercom. Employees can communicate privately between two handsets, which is useful when dealing with security concerns and emergencies that need to remain confidential.

When quick communication with all store staff is necessary, push-to-talk broadcast is a great tool. For example, in this day and age potential lawsuits are always a concern for businesses, push-to-talk broadcast is a quick way to request an immediate cleanup, to prevent a potential slip and fall injury – and costly legal action.

Finally, the DuraFon-SIP offers the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) available for large area SIP deployments. By simplifying and expediting system installations, the DuraFon-SIP lowers overall equipment costs and ensures less downtime through its proven reliability, reducing overall operating expenses for the life of the phones. This cost savings can be appreciated by businesses of any size, particularly when dozens of stores and phone systems are involved in an equipment roll out.

The BIGGEST DuraFon-SIP Fans? The Market Basket IT Department!

The Market Basket IT department is particularly satisfied with the DuraFon-SIP System. They can manage the systems remotely through the DuraFon-SIP Base Station Web Interface, which effortlessly transfers updates to each handset via air. The Web interface tool also allows for faster trouble shooting.

“When a store’s representative calls and says their phone isn’t connecting, IT employees can determine if the phone is registered or not via the web interface. They can also reboot a base station by logging onto the Web interface. That’s a BIG bonus for them,” said Peter Boisvert.

Let the DuraFon-SIP solve your communications problems!

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