Plant Nursery Case Study

Standard Tel Networks - Hampton Roads, VA

DuraFon PRO - Multi-Line Long-Range Cordless Phones
Standard Tel Networks, a subsidiary of BluePrint Technologies Inc., is a dynamic, progressive business communications advisor and provider of the most reliable and feature-rich unified technologies and business communications products, services, and applications available today.

Through the company’s proprietary TelefficiencyTM program, they design, implement, finance and support a wide array of communications solutions including VoIP, mobility/unified communications, data networking, audio, video, and web conferencing, and cabling & infrastructure.

The Need: A Long-Range Cordless Phone System for Connectivity Throughout Large Property

Maintaining real-time, seamless communications between employees and customers over large areas can be difficult at best. However, accomplishing this in an expansive outdoor environment is a completely different story altogether.

When Christopher Barry, a senior account executive at Standard Tel, received a call from the owner of a multiple-location nursery and garden supply business, he was well aware of the challenges the business was facing.

According to Barry, most of the employees were carrying two-way radios allowing them to communicate throughout the property in real-time. However, to answer phone calls from customers calling into the business, employees were paged on the walkie-talkies and then had to walk to the building to receive the phone call, often subjecting customers to long wait times on hold.

Barry stated that in an attempt to increase their efficiency and improve customer service, the business had tried many other cordless phone solutions in the past. However, due to the sheer size of the property and the metal and concrete construction of the main building, all of the previous cordless phone solutions had failed to meet the basic requirement to provide phone service throughout the property. It would take some serious wireless technology to be able to meet the needs of this business!

“I’ve amazed so many people with this product, time and time again.”

Christopher Barry

Senior Account Executive, Standard Tel

The Solution: EnGenius DuraFon PRO

As soon as Barry spoke with the nursery’s owner, he knew that the only system that could solve their issue was the EnGenius DuraFon PRO.

“My confidence in the DuraFon PRO comes from having taken many demo units out and proving its capabilities in a wide variety of customer environments,” explained Barry. “I walked into the nursery with full confidence that it would work because I’ve amazed so many people with this product, time and time again.”

According to Barry, the general manager was less-than-optimistic when Barry showed up to provide a demonstration of the DuraFon PRO’s capabilities. However, the demonstration quickly proved that the DuraFon could do what no other previous solution could.

“I plugged the DuraFon base into a borrowed fax line and turned on the handsets,” said Barry. “I handed one of the handsets to the IT manager inside the main building and took the other with me to the parking lot. I called the IT manager from about 200 yards away and kept walking. About 400 yards down the street we were still talking, and she expressed amazement at the quality of the call. Since our conversation was occurring between DuraFon handsets, I then asked her to call me on the phone line. The quality of that call was even better.”

Still not convinced, Barry said the owner was certain that he could find a location on the property where the DuraFon PRO would drop the call, so he personally put the system through its paces. The owner walked throughout the lot, including walking into a concrete pit, and the DuraFon held the call with great quality. The owner returned to the building, DuraFon in hand, and said, “You’ve done it!”

The Results: The Walkie-Talkies Are Soon to Become History

Barry explained that the owner of the nursery was so impressed by the performance of the DuraFon PRO system, that he was convinced that this system could change his business by improving customer service and increasing employee efficiency.

DuraFon PRO systems are now being phased into the company’s three existing locations and DuraFon handsets will eventually replace the walkie-talkies.

In the soon-to-be-opened fourth nursery location, the walkie-talkies, a communications mainstay of the business for many years, have been eliminated, and DuraFon PRO provides the entire voice communication infrastructure throughout the property.

Learn more about Long-Range Phone Systems from EnGenius.

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