Essential Back to School Supplies from EnGenius!

Campus Communications: School Library Blog Article

Fall is nearly here, and back to school season is in full swing. While students and their families are tasked with buying supplies like pencils, pens, binders and paper, school administrators and tech buyers have to think bigger. Is your campus prepared?

In order for students to thrive, campuses must be efficient and well-connected. EnGenius products are proven to increase scholastic and administrative success on school campuses, but don’t just take our word for it! Take a peek at some of our case studies, which feature on-campus deployments of EnGenius devices:

Problem Solving, EnGenius-Style

Are you having trouble with your tech or communications-based equipment? It can be challenging to work out all the kinks when you have so many back to school issues popping up at once, but EnGenius staff and products can help.

“We often have situations where we have to communicate with each other quickly; you might call them emergency situations. Our previous (walkie) system didn’t always work, so we’d have to run around and try to find the person we were looking for,” explained Dan Sage, Assistant Principal at Warner Middle School. Deploying EnGenius DuraWalkies on the Warner campus established reliable communications and efficiency.

Perhaps you’re having difficulty providing contiguous, reliable Wi-Fi connectivity campus-wide. Network Administrator Jerry Thompson faced this challenge at Lima Christian School, and EnGenius provided a solid solution.

“With the competitor’s solution, we basically had pockets of access points. When we moved from one access point to another, we’d lose connection and have to reconnect.” Now, “We’re getting great range,” Thompson said. “I had a student helper take a laptop all around the school to see at what point we would lose the signal. He was almost to his car in the parking lot before the signal dropped.”

Deploying the EnGenius EnSky Series provided robust Wi-Fi coverage at the school, which empowered the school staff to follow through with their technology-based curriculum.

Whether your campus is in need of rugged handsets that function as both phones and two-way radios, or you need networking hardware to support and bolster tech-based learning, EnGenius is the answer.

Want a Gold Star? Take Our EnGenius Quiz!

How well do you know our products? Let’s find out! Don’t worry, this “open-book” quiz is designed to move you to the head of the class!

1. Which of the following features are standard with DuraFon Cordless Phone Systems?
A. Reliable, Long-Range coverage
B. Durable, ruggedized handsets
C. System expandability
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above

2. True or False: DuraFon offers spectacular long-range coverage, including:
Up to 12 Floors In-Building Penetration
Up to 250,000 sq. ft. of Facility Coverage
Up to 3,000 Acres of Property/Open Land Coverage
Answer: True

3. EnGenius’ EnSky networking hardware devices include:
A. Access Points
B. Wall Plate APs
C. AP MeshCam
D. PoE Switches
E. All of the above
Answer: E. All of the above

EnGenius products can help ensure a successful and stress-free year for both students and staff. Contact us today to purchase problem-solving devices for your campus or school district, and don’t forget to ask about our demo program. Try select products risk-free for 30 days – it’s a no-brainer!

For more information on DuraFon Cordless Phone Systems, click here!

For more information on our EnSky Series, click here!