The RMA form helps streamline and facilitate the process for customers seeking repairs or replacements for EnGenius products under warranty or non-warranty coverage. Kindly be aware that we exclusively provide repair services for TELECOM products. For DATACOM, replacements will be furnished with certified units.
1. Please ensure all fields are legibly filled out.
2. Detailed shipping instructions will accompany the assigned RMA number. Customers are responsible for shipping the item to EnGenius. The RMA number should be clearly displayed on the outer packaging to ensure prompt processing and avoid any rejection.
3. Upon receipt of the device, an email containing (if any) online payment details will be dispatched.
4. Repair services will commence only upon confirmation of online payment.
5. Please note that EnGenius does not offer evaluation services for equipment, and repair fees may apply for all returned items.
6. The typical repair timeframe is 5 to 10 business days following receipt, with return shipping averaging 3 to 6 business days.
Note: For warranty coverage, please include proof of purchase dated within 1 year. If the device was acquired within the last 30 days, consider contacting the reseller for potential exchange options. If the purchase was made from an unauthorized reseller, it’s advised to seek a refund from them and purchase through our authorized dealer network. Visit
A member of the EnGenius Customer Service team will reach out to you either through chat or email to provide an RMA number or request additional information if necessary.